Failed Manufactured Stone Veneer
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Failed Manufactured Stone and Brick Veneer on New Construction Home.

This new construction home suffered catastrophic water damage from a failed MSV and brick veneer installation. The scale of this damage led to a buyback from the builder, and we were able to see first hand how quickly things fall apart from water damage. You won’t believe what happened at home.

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ACMV-Manufactured Stone Veneer- The Next Big Problem in Construction

Updated for 2020! It’s been nearly five years since I wrote this series about the faulty installation of manufactured stone veneers, and the havoc it is causing unsuspecting homeowners.  I decided it was time for some new information so I’ve updated things with new images and information. It’s all the rage these days: Fake stone siding, manufactured…

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Leaking Manufactured Stone & Leaking Windows Halt Progress on Custom Built Home

A botched stone veneer install on this new construction home has stopped all progress as the homeowners try to figure out their next move. I travel 600 miles to Arkansas and help solve their problems of poorly installed manufactured stone veneer.

Lipstick On A Pig
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Your new flipped house will be a disaster…probably

Man. I’ve had my run of poorly flipped houses this year. So many in fact, that they have their own hashtag on Instagram called Mr. Flipper.  If you don’t already follow me there, you should. I see a lot of crazy things every day, and I post them all on Instagram. I have to admit, I…

home inspection best of
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Best of 2016 – A collection of Home Inspection Blunders

HOME INSPECTION HIGHLIGHTS 2016 Ah yes, another year has come and gone.  Let’s take a look at my annual top pictures from 2016!  I typically do top a 10, but this year I’m expanding it to 12; there is just too much good stuff not to share it. 12. DIY PLUMBING DRAINS These flex-drains that…

2015 Home Inspection Year in Review
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Best of 2015 Part 2

[av_icon_box position=’top’ boxed=’av-no-box’ icon=’ue83f’ font=’entypo-fontello’ title=’BEST OF 2015! HOME INSPECTION HIGHLIGHTS – PART 2′ link=” linktarget=” linkelement=” font_color=” custom_title=” custom_content=” color=” custom_bg=” custom_font=” custom_border=”] Let’s wrap up 2015 with the last top 5.  Here is Part 1 if you missed it. [/av_icon_box] [av_hr class=’short’ height=’50’ shadow=’no-shadow’ position=’center’ custom_border=’av-border-thin’ custom_width=’50px’ custom_border_color=” custom_margin_top=’30px’ custom_margin_bottom=’30px’ icon_select=’yes’ custom_icon_color=” icon=’ue808′…

Shock Face
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Best of 2014 Part 2

I’m a bit later than I wanted to be getting this written, but hey, better late than never. If you missed the first part of this post you can see it here: Best of Home Inspections 2014.  So without further ado, the second half of the Best of the Worst pictures of 2014. A waterfall in…

Confused Home Buyer
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Best Of 2014 Part 1

Another year older, one or two more gray hairs found, and a stack of pictures to choose from.  It’s hard to whittle it down to just a handful, but I selected the top 10 problems found during home inspections this year. A Cold Fireplace – This is a picture from a one year old home.  The owners…

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Doing my job….and people hate me for it.

I got a phone call this week from a listing agent about a home I inspected a few days prior.  Now, getting phone calls from Realtors  that have questions about a particular item on a home inspection report is nothing out of the ordinary.  But this call was different.  This guy was angry.  He was angry…

shocked home buyer
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5 Things you don’t know about Hiring a Home Inspector

So your real estate agent just called and said you have an accepted offer on that new house.  Congratulations! And oh, by the way, you have 7 days to get an inspection.  Better get on the horn pronto and find a home inspector. This is an all too familiar scenario for lots of folks.  But do you…